Our History

Following Jesus' Example & Proclaiming God's Word

Our History

Very early in the history of York County, Lutheran and reformed settlers had come into this area and established churches.  The settlers were soon followed by ministers whom organized congregations.  At first, the settlers were few and widely scattered.  They had great faith that God was leading them, and the two denominations combined in almost every instance to erect suitable church buildings for the worship of God.

As the time went on, the number of inhabitants increased.  The few scattered churches no longer reached all the people, and communities which were rather distant from the established churches planned houses of worship of their own.

On April 24, 1859, the people of the Shaffer’s community felt the need to organize and build a church of their own.  A small group of interested men and women organized a Sunday School in the old schoolhouse that stood just inside the date to the cemetery, on ground that was on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Schaefer, now the Lester Shaffer farm for a church building for both congregations.  The building was erected and dedicated during the year 1861.  The church was named Zion’s Lutheran and Reformed Church and each had about fifteen members.  The first Lutheran pastor was REv. Williams Vandersloot.  The first Articles of Incorporation were formulated in 1870.

The original church building that was erected in 1861 became too small for the growing congregations and Sunday School and in the year 1882 larger quarters were needed and a new building was erected in the place of the original.  August 11, 1894, the church bought a tract of land across the road from the old graveyard for burial purposes for $300.00.

In 1909 the 50th anniversary celebration of the Sunday School brough great rejoicing because of the success achieved during those fifty years.  The records of the church from 1909-1924 have been lost and little is known about this period.  However, we do know that during this time the picnic grounds were purchased and improved upon.

The church underwent several major improvements completely changing  the front of the church and expanding the Sunday School area in 1937.  The next ten years brought more growth to the congregations and in 1950 the basement was excavated in order to house the Primary Department of the Sunday School since it had outgrown its quarters. 

Improvements continued with the paving of the cemetery driveways in 1957, and the remodeling of the sexton’s house in 1959.  The sexton’s home had originally been bought November 2, 1903 for $800.00.  During the latter years of the 1950’s a yearly Vacation Bible School was held for the young people and has continued as a tradition to this day.

The church building was rededicated November 18,1962, eighty years after the erection of the present building.  The improvement plans at this time consisted of redecorating the nave, vestibule, and Sunday School, as well as installing wall to wall carpet, a new roof and lighting system.  The parking lot by the larger cemetery was bought in 1974 and paved in 1975.  Due to the growing congregation, the most recent parking addition was acquired through a gift from the Lester Shaffer family.

The 1970’s brought forth a time of change and reflection for the members of both congregations of Zion Shaffer’s Union Church, and as in the early years, both congregations combined to sustain a suitable place for the worship of God.  In 1981, the two congregations were united, thus bringing our current status as Zion Shaffer’s United Lutheran Church.

The church has enjoyed prosperity in the last five years.  Attendance records and financial and spiritual health are on the rise.  This enabled the planning of renovations in the near future which include the expansion of the narthex, adding on office and kitchen area, and acquisition of a new sexton’s house with extra acreage for an outdoor activities area for the church.

This history was written in 1981.  The expansion of the narthex, office and kitchen area were completed.  The church no longer owns the sexton’s house.

Zion Shaffer's United Lutheran Church

4535 Shaffer Road
P.O. Box 38
Seven Valleys, PA 17360

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